Wednesday 6th May 2020

The segments and rules for the Tritons Annual Challenge. The Leader Board on this website will be updated regularly, with prizes at the end of the year.

Tritons 2020 Annual Strava Challenge is finally here! There are a number of designated swim, bike and run segments for you to complete between Jan and November. You may swim, bike or run these as many time as you wish over the year.  Connect your Garmin to Strava and your best times on these segments will be entered into the Club Leaderboard. Complete all the segments by the Tritons Annual Dinner in November where awards will be presented.


For the swim challenges, STRAVA tends to pick up your Garmin more accurately when your watch is worn under the cap or between two caps but do this at your own discretion.  As always in open water, we suggest you swim with a buddy for safety reasons. These are NON-DRAFTING efforts so please set off at least 20m apart.

We also recommend that you physically start and stop the stopwatch on your Garmin / smart watch and take a photo of it after your session in case STRAVA did not pick up your segment correctly. If this happens, don't panic, simply upload segment along with the corresponding photo of your watch.

Repulse Bay

The 6 sticks (200m): Starting with hand on  Life Guard Tower 1, finishing when you touch  LGT 4

The M (240m): Starting with hand on LGT 2, finishing when you touch  LGT 3

Pontoon Loop (340m): Starting  with hand on LG4, big loop around 5 platforms and back into LG1 with hand touching the tower for finish

The Shark Net Loop (1000m): Starting with hand on  West Pier (side with the Pagoda closest to DWB),  and then swim towards  East Pier and back again. Swim along the outside of the shark net in both directions. Watch starts and stops when your hand is touching  West Pier.


Pontoon (800m): Starting at Tower 1  to orange buoy next to shark net. Swim along the shark net loop and around buoy 3. Then loop back around buoy 1 and then swim back to buoy 3. From buoy 3, swim straight towards beach and finish with run up the beach to  touch Tower 3


Sprint challenge (100m): Later in year when pools reopen TBC



Mt Butler:

The Real Mt Austen climb:

Repulse Bay Road HK:

Tai Tam Gap HK:

ShekO Flat:

Red Hill Full Lap:

South Bay Road Ascent:


Bowen Road 4k:

Bowen Road return 8k:

Morning Trail (starting from bridge):

Happy Valley:   h

Lugard Road full loop:


1) Join Strava 

2) Join the Tritons Triathlon Club Strava group 

3) Upload each segment attempt directly to Strava from recording devices (such as Garmin or iphone etc). 


 1. You have to complete all run and ride segments by 2020 plus the final open water swim.

2. Your fastest times as recorded on Strava during the period defined, on the segments listed, will be added together to give you a final time. You may attempt each segment as often as you need to record your quickest time.

3. An equal opportunities club (we know our men are often chicked, but they should still be rewarded for participation), various prizes will be awarded, at the club’s discretion, including the Tritons Strava Queen & King of 2020

4. Because Tritons is a triathlon club, you need to complete all the segments and the swim to be in contention for any of the prizes. (There will be some swim prizes too)

5. You are not permitted any motorised assistance on any of the segments, however you are allowed to draft and ride in packs or use the force of a good typhoon wind to achieve the fastest times.

6. Strava times are final. Only complete rides uploaded directly from recording devices (such as Garmin or iphone etc) should be used - uploaded GPX files, cropped rides, or rides that do not have a logical start and end point will be reviewed by the Tritons Strava anti-doping Police (afterwards known as the Tritons Digital EPO Po-Po). For swim segments please save a photo of you garmin recording and save on Strava.

7. You must upload your activity within 2 weeks of doing the segment. No Sand-bagging here! Our Tritons Digital EPO Po-Po will be watching upload times very closely!

8. The challenge (ok, let’s be honest- competition) is open to all via our Strava Tritons club page here:

9. Whilst everyone is welcome to join the page and race against the clock, only those current 2020 Tritons members will be in the running for the prizes.

The Leader Board will be updated regularly.

(But be patiient )